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Our artists, Halid, Reny, Pan Wei and Pietro, hailing from across the world come together for this unique project, creating works representative of their idioms and styles.  

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Born in Egypt in 1997, Halid lived in both Egypt and Greece and decided to move to Paris to draw inspiration from Western contemporary artists. At the moment, he studies at the American University of Paris with a double major in Fine Arts and Art History and a minor in Psychology. 


His goal is to blend his artistic knowledge from his cultural upbringing with the new insights studied in paris. Next to his artistic work, he is active in the community by leading a non-profit organisation. My Art Goes Bang, brings volunteers and hospitalised kids together to do art therapy. Furthermore, he curates exhibitions at his university. 

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pan wei

Pan Wei was born in 1993 in NanTong, China. He lives and works between Chongqing (China) and Lyon or Paris in France. 


Being a multimedia player, he is focused on the urban space, the use of images and the

view of humans to create a multimedia installation. 


He mainly uses photography for his works and makes installation with the images that he collection. At the moment, he works with remodeling of languages and behaviour in front of the lens



Reny was born in 1994 in Shanxi Tai Yuan, China and eventually moved to Chongqing to study and live. Completing her major in Interior design from the Sichuan Fine Art Institute, she merged her love for graffiti and spatial design.


After joining the MTF Crew, she worked on multiple large scale commission projects with various media and real estate companies. 


Her passion for ‘graffiti’ or urban art makes her pursue passion projects that best exemplify the overall understanding of Urban Art. Her instinctive lean towards graffiti and ability to render large scale works made her perceptive of scale and volume. It has allowed her to better understand the larger urban context and how individuals react to and in spaces around them.




Pietro Ballero was born in 1991 in Turin Italy. He lives and works between Turin and Venice. He accumulates and collects because he believes in objects, or rather in “things”. How people select and arrange “things”, this can become an outward expression of the individual. 


Currently his research is focused on the attempt to trigger mechanisms capable of evoking a narrative of the present through language of a past that is more familiar to us. His attempt is a linguistic translation of what is apparently ordinary in the extraordinary. 


©2020 by Urban Semiotics

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